The simplest of hard optimization problems ... is for sure the problem of optimizing a quadratic function over a polyhedron, at least from the continuous mathematics perspective. Interestingly enough, this class can also model many discrete optimization problems (which is not too surprising as, e.g., the constraint x² = x models binarity of x). In a bold attempt to combine four different aspects: (1) large-scale applied problems; (2) a nice structural theory; (3) data analysis; and (4) state-of-the-art optimization, this talk starts out with a topic undeniably close to statistics: a relaxed clustering method via dominant sets. This method has proved quite successful in recent years, in Image Segmentation as well in many other fields, and algorithmic implementations of this idea will lead us, as announced, to the simplest quadratic optimization problem which is NP-hard, namely minimizing a quadratic form over the standard simplex. In turn, this so-called Standard Quadratic Problem (StQP) gives rise to a nowadays popular domain in the interface of continuous and discrete optimization, namely Copositive Optimization (COP). While in the StQP formulation we face many (sub-optimal) local solutions, the COP latter formulation has only one, as the objective and the structural constraints are linear. Here, the whole complexity of the problem is pushed to the membership constraint of the (closed and convex) cone, which also shows that not all convex optimization problems are equally easy. This talk will shortly review recent advances in this young field, along with some applications.